Connecting Webhooks to a contact form

A webhook is a way for an app to send real-time information to other applications. Webhooks are typically used to connect two different applications. For instance, when a contact form on your Weblium site has been submitted, it serializes the data and sends it to a webhook URL from the action application — the one where you'd like to process the data from your contact form.

Read our complete guide on how to receive data from the submitted forms to the custom app.

AWeber integration

From now on, you can integrate AWeber to your site to help you stay in touch with customers via email.

To add the email marketing provider to your site, copy it in your AWeber account and paste it in the Form Integrations tab in the Site Settings.

Check this step-by-step guide for further details.

Managing form replies

Welcome our new stunning feature — Form replies management.

You can now collect form replies in your Weblium account, without setting up any external integrations. To test it out, add a contact form to your website, publish the site, and submit the form. Then go to the Form Management tab in the Site Settings and see how user data is gathered in the list.

Even if you use form integrations, this database will be your backup plan, just in case.

Changing your subdomain

You can now change your website URL and add the subdomain that matches your brand (e.g. “”).

Note that once you change your site address, your website can’t be accessed by the old URL. Make sure external websites link to your new site address, not the old one.

Read our complete guide on how to change your site address.

Advanced list customization + Pricing list element

Our new improvement will help you diversify the appearance of testimonials and lists on your site. 

In the List settings, you can now set a solid or gradient background color, and choose different presets, media types, and list options.

All of these settings are applicable to such elements in custom blocks as Testimonials, Testimonials + name, Icons list, Icons list + description.

There’s even more great news. We’ve added a new full-fledged element in a custom block — Pricing list. This element is mainly tailored to websites designed to showcase prices.

New Gallery Layouts

We’ve updated settings for one of the most popular components in custom blocks — Gallery. You can now choose between Grid, Stacked, and Slider layouts to customize your gallery.

With the Slider layout, you can display gallery images in a slideshow format by allowing site visitors to click through items, or making a slideshow play automatically. You can align two images side by side, set the spacing between items, choose slider options, and change the color of controls.

If you pick the Stacked Layout, all images in the Stacked layout are mutually complementary by default, but you can also change the spacing between them.

To test our new layouts, add a Gallery element in a custom block and navigate to the Layout tab in the Gallery settings.

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