New Gallery Layouts

We’ve updated settings for one of the most popular components in custom blocks — Gallery. You can now choose between Grid, Stacked, and Slider layouts to customize your gallery.

With the Slider layout, you can display gallery images in a slideshow format by allowing site visitors to click through items, or making a slideshow play automatically. You can align two images side by side, set the spacing between items, choose slider options, and change the color of controls.

If you pick the Stacked Layout, all images in the Stacked layout are mutually complementary by default, but you can also change the spacing between them.

To test our new layouts, add a Gallery element in a custom block and navigate to the Layout tab in the Gallery settings.

Adding a live chat to your site

We can’t wait to tell you about our new integration. You can now communicate with your site visitors via chats using LiveChat or chat.

There are numerous advantages of having a website chat: 

  • Instant and live communication with website visitorsIncreased trustworthiness and reliability of your site and business
  • Quick and more effective sales
  • 24/7 assistance of your existing and potential clients

Check our complete guide for setting up a chat
Take a look at our ultimate tutorial for adding a LiveChat.

Adding a Facebook pixel via integration

A Facebook pixel is a code generated at your Facebook Events manager. It collects data that is based on the actions that people take on your website.

From now on, you don’t need to know how to insert the Facebook pixel in the code. You can add it via simple integration that only requires you to copy the Facebook pixel in your Facebook Events manager and paste it in the Analytics tab in the site settings.

You can place the code on your website to track and optimize Facebook ads, build lookalike audiences for future ads, and launch remarketing campaigns. 

If you’re ready to check, take a look at Facebook's instructions on how to create and install the Facebook pixel.

Date field in contact forms

We’re happy to tell you about our new and highly requested improvement — Date field in contact forms.

You can use this feature to let your site visitors:

  • make appointments;
  • arrange a meeting or call;
  • book your products or services;
  • book a date and time for services to be provided;
  • register for an event;
  • etc.

Make the date field required and add a description to this field. Use a time picker to set a specific time if necessary. Add time ranges to the time options displayed on the calendar.

Devices Mockup Element in custom blocks

We’ve created a new element — Devices mockup, which is available from the library of elements in custom blocks. With this element, you can showcase interface images in the pre-designed mobile phone and tablet sections.

In the Devices mockup settings, you can:

  • reverse the order of devices in the block;
  • display a phone or tablet horizontally or vertically;
  • select different device combinations: “Phone + tablet,” “phone” or “tablet;”
  • set up different colors for mobile devices.

This element will be particularly useful for SaaS companies and web services. 

Add the Devices mockup element to your website and enjoy its upgraded appearance.

Adding a gallery to a block

We are happy to tell you about our new feature — the Gallery element. You can now add this element to custom blocks and showcase your photos or images in pre-designed galleries. 

All settings related to the Gallery element are managed through the Gallery settings. There you can change the content, gaps between images, and the number of photos in a row. 

If you want to create a few rows of images in one block, just duplicate the Gallery and delete or add images in the duplicate element. 

Note that each image in the Gallery has Media settings. Open them by clicking on the image or tapping on the “gear” icon in the image in the Gallery settings. 

On the published website, you can open images in a lightbox by dimming out the rest of the page.

Check this full tutorial on how to add a gallery to your site.

6 new templates

Welcome our new amazing templates!

All of them are based on unique design concepts so that you can use them not only to build your dream website but also to get inspired. 

They were created with upcoming design trends in mind, so you can be sure that your website made with our template will be up-to-date for a long time. 

Click on the Create new button and choose a template you like from the Template Explorer.

Bulleted lists

Here is a nice improvement for you!

You can now spruce up your web copies with bulleted points. Use them to highlight the main messages in your texts.

It’s an awesome and absolutely free way to keep your readers’ attention and take them through your website copy directly to call-to-actions and contact forms. Refresh your website copy as soon as possible to improve the readability of your website.

To give this feature a try, navigate to the text element in the block, select the necessary text, and click on the Bulleted list icon.

Collecting UTM values with a hidden field in a contact form

We’re excited to introduce our new functionality ⁠— Hidden fields in contact forms ⁠— that will allow you to use UTM tracking with contact forms. You’ll receive the UTM parameters included in your website’s link in every form submission email. You can send form submissions directly to your inbox, Mailchimp account, or almost anywhere you want with Zapier integration. 

This feature is particularly beneficial if you have a few sites on Weblium, as it allows you to understand which of your websites you got a form submission from. Also, it will help you track your site’s performance in Google Analytics.

Let us tell you one more great thing related to the new feature. 

You can duplicate the block that contains the contact form. This allows you to easily apply all the settings you've just chosen to the duplicate contact form.

Here is an even more detailed guide on how to set up UTM tracking with contact forms.

Contact Forms with Multiple Recipients

Now you can set the emails of your teammates or partners in the contact forms so that they will always be informed about your business by receiving form requests from your potential customers.

You can add multiple emails in the Form integrations tab in the Site Settings and choose needed email addresses in the Form settings.

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