Meet Weblium online store!

Long-awaited online store is already available on your website at no extra cost. Just enter the site settings and start adding products. 

Just 5 steps to first order

  1. Add products to the catalog
  2. Place a block with products on the site
  3. Your client selects products
  4. Receive your first order
  5. Process the order

That’s it — creating an online store is this easy!

Learn more about the store here.

Password-protected pages

You may be a teacher who'd like to share certain materials with your students only. You may be a content maker who sells unique resources. You may manage an organization with colleagues requiring different levels of access. Either way, now you can protect certain website pages with unique passwords and get full control of your content access. 

See the article Creating a password-protected page to learn how to restrict access to certain pages and set unique passwords.


Choosing the target audience for pop-up

For you, marketers! Now you can display pop-up windows only to the relevant audience. This allows you to personalize current offers for each visitor and track the effectiveness of your ad campaign.

To filter the visitors, this trigger uses the UTM parameters — tags added to the URL of the current page or site with the information about the traffic source. This way, when the page is loading, the system analyzes the user's current UTM tags. The pop-up will only be displayed if these parameters are set as a target.

Learn more about the available parameters and their settings in the article.

Show pop-up on schedule

Now you can define the time period in which the pop-up will be displayed to your site visitors! This is particularly useful if you have a limited time offer — e.g. a promo or a seasonal discount.

Learn more about this and other available triggers in the article here.

Wow! Our own Weblium CRM.

Yes, you've read it right: we've created our own CRM system, and it's already available in your account. With Weblium CRM, you can:

  • Store the replies from all the contact forms in one place.
  • Create custom funnels and statuses.
  • Add the deals manually.
  • Calculate the budget on each stage of the funnel.

But that's not all. What to expect next:

  • Dashboard with sales analytics.
  • Filtering by tags.
  • Notifications about new deals.

(Seriously, I've got goosebumps as I'm writing this).

To learn more about the CRM settings, check out our guide Weblium CRM.

We sincerely hope that this CRM will be a useful tool for your day-to-day business processes. For any feedback (both positive and negative), feel free to contact us in chat. 

New integration: eSputnik

Automate marketing processes across all channels that you use for communication with your subscribers and customers with new eSputnik integration. Connect it to a contact form on your website and receive requests right in the eSputnik account.

Learn more about the eSputnik settings in the article here

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