Several global blocks on one website

Now, you can create multiple global blocks for one site. It will allow you to create separate global headers and footers for different website versions (desktop, mobile, and tablet), as well as add one global block to several pages and the other one to other pages.

For example, you can create one global header for the home page and contact page and another one for the benefit page and company’s product section, fill those global blocks with content, and hide each of them on the required pages. Due to the fact that the block is global, all the changes will be automatically applied to the other pages where this global block is located. 

Shadow for the “Image” element

We added shadows for images, allowing you to arrange this element's appearance on the website better. To add shadows, you need to go to the “Styles” tab in the element settings and toggle the corresponding switch. 

You can change the positioning of the shadow along the X and Y axes, their size, and the blur.

Shadow for column

We added an option to apply shadows to columns, giving you expanded solutions for creating a unique design on a website. To add shadows, go to the “Styles” tab in the column settings and toggle the “Shadow” switch. But please note that you need to add a background to apply a shadow.

Outline for columns

We added the outline for columns, allowing you to customize this part of the website better. To add the outline, you need to go to the collection settings, go to the “Styles” tab, and toggle the “Outline” switch. 

Please note that adding an outline is possible only if the columns have a background.

Hiding global blocks on different devices

We added an option to hide global blocks on different versions of a website, which will allow you to create separate versions of headers and footers for desktop, mobile, and tablet versions of sites. 

It means that you can create several global blocks with varying content and hide each one of them on the required versions. Moreover, you can hide blocks on several versions at the same time, which will allow you to adapt the website more conveniently. 

Shadow for collection items

Collections received a new feature — shadows. You can add shadows by switching the “Shadow” toggle in the “Styles” tab in the collection settings. You can change the shadow’s size, blur, and position along the X and Y axes. 

After toggling the “Shadow” switch, they will be automatically applied to all items in the collection. Please note that applying a shadow will be unavailable if collection items have no background.

Clickable indicators on the “My websites” page

Now, indicators in the lower right corner of each website on the “My websites” page are clickable, allowing you to go to corresponding pages in website settings. Now clicking on “Total views”, “Total orders”, and “Total replies” indicators will open a page in website settings — visitor statistics, order list, and replies from forms correspondingly. 

Outline for collection elements

The “Collection” element received an outline, which will allow you to better customize the element on a website. You can add an outline in the “Styles” tab in the collection settings. 

Outline settings include changing width, color, and line styles, which can be set as solid, dashed, and dotted. Please note that adding the outline will be unavailable if the collection items have no background.

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