Promo Code Updates: Expiration Date and Minimum Order Amount

We have introduced several updates to the promo code functionality to give you more flexibility in managing your marketing campaigns.

First, you can now set an expiration date for a promo code, after which it will automatically deactivate (users will not be able to apply it to their orders). Additionally, you can create a scheduled promo code with a specified activation period. It will automatically activate on the date you set and deactivate after the specified period.

These settings are available in the "Additional Settings" section of each promo code, which can be found in your store's "Promo codes" settings page.

Second, you can now define a minimum order amount required to apply a specific promo code. This can be done in the "Applies to orders from" field in the "Discount" section of each promo code's settings.

You can also customize the message displayed in the cart when a user attempts to apply a promo code to an order that does not meet the minimum amount. This can be edited in the "Error message for minimum order amount to apply the promo code" field, located in the "Multilingual site" settings page, under the "Your Store" tab.

For more detailed information on working with promo codes, please refer to our Help Center.