New payment method: monobank

The Ukrainian payment system of monobank is with us now. Do not waste time and connect online payments.
And it doesn’t matter if it’s a service website or an online store; your benefit is easily visible in these numbers: until the end of June 2022, the transaction fee is only 0.6% for hryvnia cards and 1.8% for paying with foreign cards.
Connect your Ukrainian FOP (sole proprietor account) to monobank according to this instruction.

Shipment in your online store

There are two delivery services: courier delivery and pickup from the store. You can edit the name and description of each of these services, specify the shipping price and pickup address, request clients to fill in the data for the courier, and choose which payment methods are available for each delivery method. Allow your customers to choose shipping methods and include shipping costs in the order total. 

SalesDrive CRM integration

SalesDrive is a platform created by Ukrainian developers for optimizing sales and managing an online store efficiently. There are many integrations within SalesDrive CRM, from payment methods and telephony to delivery services and document management.

SalesDrive CRM simply connects to contact forms to receive and process customer requests.

General terms registry

Following the convenient localization of the online store, we added a terms registry that allows you to change the text of various site elements in one place. At the moment, it is possible to edit the "Thank you" pop-up, which is displayed when a customer sends a submission through the contact form. You can also translate it into three pre-made languages in just one click.

Adding CSS classes to elements

Good news for professional Web Developers! It's now possible to add CSS classes to most elements on your website. You can add up to 5 class attribute values to almost every element on your site: buttons, images, icons, text, site menus, contact forms, etc. 

Перенесення сайтів з інших платформ на Weblium

Тепер ви можете перенести статичний сайт з іншої платформи (наприклад, Тільда) на Weblium, якщо у вас є вивантажений архів вашого сайту з іншої платформи. Поки ви не кваплячись створюєте новий сайт на Weblium, ваш старий сайт буде стабільно працювати на нашому сервісі. Коли ви закінчите роботу над сайтом, напишіть нашій команді підтримки, і вона допоможе вам відключити старий сайт та відобразити замість нього новий, створений на Weblium.

New site publish window

Website publishing just got easier! We have updated the window displayed after publishing a site. It allows you to open the site using a link or a QR code, download the QR code and send it to other people, make a backup copy of the site and copy the link to participate in the referral program.

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