Shadows for the “Shape” element

We added shadows for the “Shape” element in the Flex block, which will give you more options for shape customization and give them a unique style. You should activate the “Shadow” toggle in the shape settings to add shadows to shapes.

You can change the arrangement of the shadow by X and Y, its size, and make it blurry. Furthermore, you can apply negative values to the X and Y axes (e.g., -30) to arrange the shadow to the left (X) or above (Y) relative to the shape.

Displaying distances from elements to block boundaries and to overlapping elements

We updated the distances displayed in the Flex block, and now you can see the distance from the border of one element to the other while overlaying. To see the distance of two overlaid elements to another element, you need to hold the Alt button (for Windows) or the Option button (for macOS). Moreover, you can see distances between elements and block boundaries by clicking on the element and holding the corresponding button. But also, if you move an element closer than 100 pixels to a block borderline, the distance to it will be displayed automatically.

Copying elements by using the Alt (Option) key

You can now copy elements by holding the Alt button (for Windows) or the Option button (for macOS) in the Flex block. It is enough to press the corresponding key and start moving the selected element to do it. After performing this action, a copy of an element will be automatically created, and you can arrange it anywhere in the block. 

Outline for the Shape element

You can now apply an outline to shape elements, enhancing their appearance. To add the outline, go to the shape settings and toggle the “Outline” switch. You can set the width of the outline from 1 to 30 pixels and change its color and style. The available outline styles are solid, dashed, and dotted lines.

Sending payment status to KeyCRM

When customers complete an order in your online store, the information about the payment status will be sent to KeyCRM if this integration is connected to your website. It will help you manage received orders more efficiently and improve customer interactions. 

Resizing several elements at the same time

We added an opportunity to resize several elements simultaneously in the Flex block. By selecting the group of elements, you can change the size of each one of them. During the batch image editing, the resizing will occur according to the settings you have set. For example, turning the “Scale to fit” switch on in image settings will change size proportionally, and vice versa if the “Scale to fit” switch is turned off. Also, if you hold the Shift button, the resizing will occur proportionally. 

Please note that it is impossible to change the height of the “Text” element while editing batch elements.

X social network icon

Now, in the “Social icons” section, the X (formerly Twitter) appeared. We did not change the existing Twitter icon on websites, so if you wish, you can change the old Twitter logo with a bird to a new one — X — which will help you represent the relevant icon of this social network.

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