Filters for Ecommerce

We have developed a new feature that allows users of your website to filter products by categories and parameters. The filter functionality is available as the "Product catalog with cilters" block (found in the "Ecommerce" category in the block library) and as the "Product catalog" element (available in the element addition panel), which you can add to any block.

In the "Product catalog with filters" block, filter display is enabled by default. To activate filters in the "Product catalog" element, you need to go to its settings and enable the "Show filters" toggle. A field will be added to the left side of the element, containing a list of all categories, subcategories, and parameters set in your store and product settings. In both the block and the element, you can edit this list and select which categories, subcategories, and parameters to display in the filters. You can also choose to display only product subcategories without linking them to the category they belong to.

For user convenience, we made the filters dynamic, meaning that when a certain category or subcategory of products is selected, only the parameters available in that category will be displayed.